
Subject lead: Miss Turnbull

Virtual History Museums and Historical Landmarks

Visiting a Museum is an amazing experience as you can see fascinating artifacts and develop your understanding of history from around the world. Below are links to virtual museums to help have this experience from the comfort of your own home!

Websites to investigate historical topics further 

History in Action

Y4 Egyptian Theme Day 

February 2024

On Thursday 29th February, Sapphire and Blue class came to school dressed as ancient Egyptians. We had Pharaohs, archaeologists and even a few mummies! The day started with a fascinating talk about 3,000 years of ancient Egyptian history where we learnt all about the geography, power battles and rulers that shaped Egypt. Next, the children took part in a quiz where they needed to find facts about the ancient Egyptians from all around the hall. The morning ended by playing an ancient Egyptian game using dice and beads. Everyone was a great sport, even if they lost! During the afternoon, Seb became our Pharaoh, but sadly only for a short time, as he was mysteriously poisoned! We then learnt all about the mummification process and several children took part in a procession to ensure our Pharaoh was ready for the afterlife. (Don't worry Seb is fine, he was swapped for a pretend Seb for this part!) The day ended with everyone taking part in a game where we needed to use javelins to hunt animals for our teams. The children learnt lots and everyone had an awesome day!

In year 2, they have created models that were  inspired by the Great Fire of London workshop that took place in school recently.

During year 2's London topic they learnt about the Great Fire of London in History. The Rainbow Theatre company came into school and they all took part in a drama workshop. Everyone had an excellent day.

3rd May

Local History Walk

On Wednesday morning, Year 3 took a historical trip to Billericay High Street.  In class, they are learning about Billericay in the past and looking at why specific changes have taken place.  They are also learning about the Mayflower Ship and the significance of our school house names.   The children were time detectives and enjoyed the challenge of finding dates on the sides of buildings.  

March 2023        Colchester Castle Tip

Year 3

Year 3 visited Colchester Castle.  We had an amazing day and all the children learnt new things, whilst consolidating what we have already learnt in school.  Have a look at our pictures to see what we got up to.  Thank you to all the parents who helped us on the school trip, we couldn't do it without you!

In the Round House we found out how the Romans crushed the wheat and weaved with wool.

We worked as a team to build a Roman Villa and a round house.

Don't panic!

There are lots of Roman Soldiers here to protect us!

February 2023

Walk like and Egyptian

Year 4 all had a fantastic day, dressing up and learning more about the Ancient Egyptians.  We played a game called Hounds and Jackals which was a little bit like snakes and ladders.  We also  took part in a funeral prossession and learnt all about the process of mummification.


In year 4, we have designed and created clay pots in the style of the Anglo Saxons.  We then evaluated our creations and suggested improvements.


November 2022

On Thursday 17th November, Year 5 took part in their very own Viking day! The children and staff came in dressed up as if they were from the Viking period. We spent the morning learning about what life would have been like as a Viking and were able to hold ancient artefacts, including kitchen utensils made from wood and animal antlers. We took part in a game, which was similar to draughts. This involved tactical thinking and strategic planning for the geese to catch the fox! During the afternoon, we translated old English words and phrases into modern day English and witnessed how coins were made.  We had such an memorable day!

September 2022


Year 3 had an amazing day with Gary the Stone Age man.   You all looked amazing in your outfits; thank you to all the parents and carers who made their children so authentic!  Gary taught us many facts from the Stone Age and showed us lots of artefacts.  He showed us how the Stone Age hunters caught Woolly Mammoths and gathered nuts and berries.  He demonstrated how the Stone Age people might have brought the huge stones to Stonehenge and we tried to build our own versions of Stonehenge.  We had so much fun, thank you Gary and well done year 3 on your excellent behaviour.  

September 2022

Biscuit Stonehenge!

Year 3 learnt some more facts about Stonehenge.  We then set the children a challenge to create their own Stonehenge from biscuits.  Was the real challenge to make Stonehenge or not eat the biscuits?  What do you think of our structures?