Subject lead: Madame Fleetwood
French in Action
Y6 Language Leaders -Partnership with Billericay School
Tuesday afternoon, Year 6 was visited by the Billericay School language leaders who brilliantly led some interesting and educational French lessons. The children were split into groups and enjoyed learning about greetings and farm animals. The visiting Year 10 students entertained the Sunnymede pupils with plenty of educational games (we weren’t at all competitive!) and homemade wordsearches. It was a great end to a productive term of French learning.
Y6 Language Leaders -Partnership with Billericay School
March 2024
On Tuesday afternoon, Year 6 was visited by the Billericay School language leaders who brilliantly led some interesting and educational French lessons. The children were split into groups and enjoyed learning about greetings and farm animals. The visiting Year 10 students entertained the Sunnymede pupils with plenty of educational games (we weren’t at all competitive!) and homemade wordsearches. It was a great end to a productive term of French learning.
A special mention
Madame Attridge was thrilled to receive this letter written by Scarlet in Year 4. She used Google Translate to write her letter in French. This can be such a useful language tool if used correctly. Scarlet is clearly using it very skillfully. Merci beaucoup Scarlet. C'est super!
Year 4 Weather Forecasts
Year 4 learnt how to say days of the week and the weather in French. At the end of the unit we presented weather forecasts to the class. Do you like our silly glasses and funny pointers? They help to give us confidence when we are speaking French in front of the class!
Above and beyond
Ava Louise in Year 5 made notes from our French lesson to help her remember the new vocabulary at home. It's great to see a pupil being so motivated to develop her language skills. Bravo, Ava Louise. Fantastique!!
Year 5 presentations
In French this term, Year 5 used bilingual dictionaries to find adjectives to describe our school. At the end of the unit we pronounced them correctly in our Powerpoint presentations. We had fun being presenters!
Year 3 - French party invitations
This term, Year 3 have learnt how to write the date and we talked about our birthdays. We really enjoyed the song "Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?". Here are some of the party invitations we designed using some "I can" ("Je peux") phrases.
Y6- French - Mon Look
In year 6 this term, we have been learning the words for clothing. We have used them to express our likes and dislikes and explained our reasons. We have also added adverbs to explain when we wear our favourite outfits. We put all this learning into our Powerpoint slides. Here are some of them
French colours
In our first term learning French, we have learnt how to say colours. We used them to colour in pictures of "Deux Petits Oiseaux" (Two Little Dickie Birds) reading the French words so that we coloured in each section using the correct colour.
Shopping for toys
In French this term we have learnt the French words for toys and we have been discussing how euros are used in France and not pounds. These pictures show Year 4 using this knowledge to go shopping. We used phrases such as "Je voudrais" (I would like) and "C'est combien?" (How much is it?) as well as "si'il vous plait" (please) and "merci" (thank you). The customers used plastic euros to purchase toys from the shopkeepers and enjoyed going from shop to shop.