
Subject Lead: Mrs Mussenden

The Natural Museum of Computing

Why not visit one of these virtual museums?

Perseverance Rover

AI and Robotics Lab

Computing in Action

In EYFS,  we are getting better at using the skills needed when using the Chromebooks.

In year 1, we having been learning how to drag and drop images.

April 2024

In year 5, we have been learning how and why data is collected in space, researching the Mars Rover.  We have been reading, calculating and adding binary numbers, as well as creating out own secret messages using the ASCII conversion chart.

In our year 5 science lessons,  we investigated the best material for a zipline.  We recorded our work and presented our findings in a bar chart.  Some children presented their work using Excel.

YEAR 6 Science - electricity

This term, within our science lessons, we are studying electricity. We kickstarted this unit by looking at the scientist, Nikola Tesla. We produced some fantastic information texts all about him and we were amazed to find out that the infamous car brand, Tesla, is named after him.

In addition, we have been learning about circuits and using scientific drawings to represent circuits. We made predictions as to whether the bulb would light within the circuit and gave reasonings for this. After, we tested our predictions out using an online circuit builder.

Have a go at home to see what you can create. Can the bulb light if there is a hand within the circuit? 


To celebrate Safer Internet Day 2023, we enjoyed a range of fun activities to raise awareness of online issues and current concerns.

In year 4, we designed our own online safety posters.

In year 5, we have been using Scratch to create  our own maze games.  Some of us included bonuses, obstructions and different levels.

In year4, the children have really enjoyed using the program Scratch.

They learnt about coding and worked in pairs to create interactive short quizzes.  They wrote 'script' so their character would ask questions and then tell the player if their answer was correct or not.  Some children also added code to keep score.

In year 5, we have been using Flowol to program a sequence, using a flowchart.  We learnt how to change traffic lights, sound a foghorn on a lighthouse and controlled the effects of temperature on a greenhouse.


We programmed zebra crossing lights.  What effect does our flowchart have on the lights?


We had to program two sets of traffic lights.  When one set is green, we had to make sure the other set was red.