Welcome to Early Years
Red and Ruby Classes
Welcome to EYFS
We warmly welcome you to our page for Red and Ruby class.
We look forward to an exciting year ahead of us full of learning and new experiences with the children. We will update this page regularly with key information, resources and photographs of exciting events for parents and carers to enjoy.
We feel very lucky to be supporting your child in their very first year of school and look forward to watching them grow and flourish.
Key information for parents:
PE: This half-term our 'Get Set For PE' unit will be Gymnastics. This will take place on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on this day. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed. Velcro plimsolls or trainers MUST be worn unless your child can tie their own laces.
Library: The children will visit the school library once a week. All children will be able to choose a book from the library to take home and share. Ruby class will visit the library on a Wednesday and Red class on Thursday. Please ensure that library books are looked after and should be kept in the bookbags. Water bottle should not be put in the bags as this results in damaged books. Damaged or lost library books and reading books will incur a fee.
Reading books: When your child receives a reading book, please ensure that they read this with you daily as well as signing your child's reading record when the book has been read. Feel free to comment, tick or initial, whichever you prefer to show the book has been shared. The books will be stored in a named plastic bag as this keeps the books protected and together when placed in baskets to be taken to their Read, Write, Inc. groups.
Homework: Please support your child to work at their own pace with the tasks on Math Seeds, Reading Eggs and Numbots. Logins will be issued for this in Autumn 1. Once your child is issued with a Read, Write, Inc book they should read this every day. A maths challenge is given each half term, starting in Autumn 2. Please see the link above for further information.
Tapestry: We will be sharing 'wow' moments with you via Tapestry and encourage parents to share those moments with us too! Please ensure that you have returned your child's permission form to school in order for us to allow your child's learning to feature on this platform.
Autumn 1: Nursery Rhymes, Traditional Tales & Myself
Autumn 2: Festivals Of Light
Spring 1: Winter
Spring 2: People Who Help Us
Summer 1: Dinosaurs
Summer 2: Living Things
Spring 1 - Winter
A winter story to share
A winter yoga session to enjoy with Jaime
Animals in Winter - non-fiction
Autumn 2 - Festivals of Light
A few pictures of Autumn 2 in Red Class.
A few pictures of Autumn 2 in Ruby Class.
Autumn 1 - Nursery Rhymes, Traditional Tales & Myself
The Gingerbread Man
Goldilocks & the Three Bears
The Three Little Pigs
A few pictures of Autumn 1 in Red Class.
A few pictures of Autumn 1 in Ruby Class.