Physical Education
Physical Education in Action
Year 5:
Buddy Bootcamp
On a cold February morning, Year 5 were outside completing a hardcore bootcamp session! This session taught us the importance of teamwork and communication and also tested us physically. Although cold and muddy, we still had smiles on our faces and thoroughly enjoyed the session.
As teachers, it was lovely to see children push themselves and show such great team work skills. Well done Year 5!
Sports Round Up for the Spring Term:
PE around the school:
Sports Round Up for the Autumn Term:
Summer Update:
28th April
Today, 3H took a long walk to St Peter's Primary school and took part in a Zumba class as part of Active Essex. All of the children had a great afternoon, one children said "It was a lot of walking but it was worth it because it was a lot of fun." Thank you to the parents who helped us by walking with the children.
Spring Update:
March 2023
In year 5, we have been developing our attacking and defending skills in handball such as throwing, catching, dribbling, intercepting and shooting. We also tested our reaction time.
Pentathlon Sports event - November 2022