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From reception, phonics helps to lay the foundations for early writing. These skills are taught in phonics sessions where we encourage accurate letter formation. To support the children with this, we use phrases to help them remember how to form the letters. 

When pupils are able to form letters correctly, consistently sized and appropriately spaced, we introduce letter joins. We can join letters horizontally and diagonally and we also have break letters which do not join.

BBC bitesize is a great tool to help build grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. The website offers explanation on different grammatical terms and also has some fun games children can play too.

Top Marks and Spellzone have lots of different games which focus on spelling and/or grammar.

Year 1 started the academic year writing their own bonfire acrostic poems. They also read some stories based upon the themes of journeys and bravery. Using these as a stimulus, they wrote wanted posters, character descriptions and a story. 

Year 4 have been studying The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They wrote diary entries, persuasive letters and speeches.

Year 5 have been studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare. They created there own Witches' Spells. Inspired by the story of Macbeth, year 5 wrote persuasive letters, description and play scripts.

Year 6 - sharing our work

This month we have written our own retelling of action sequence from the story Jumanji. We worked hard to build suspense and tension as well as maintain description when writing action. Once our stories were completed and published we spent time sharing our work with year 2 pupils.