Welcome to Year 2

Our  Topic this half-term is: 

Famous People

Autumn 1 - London

Autumn 2 - Winter

Spring 1 - Amazing Places

Spring 2 - Space

Summer 1 - Minibeasts

Summer 2 - Famous People

Yellow and Saffron classes enjoyed their forest school sessions at Norsey Wood.

The children in yellow class really enjoyed the school's ministry workshop.

Saffron and Violet class enjoyed sharing their books on World Book Day.

Here are some of the Chinese Arts week projects made at home by children  in Yellow Class. 

In Yellow class we made some Chinese Dragons to celebrate Chinese New Year.

2024 is the Year of the Dragon.

In Geography we have been learning about the World. We looked at the globe and identified countries near and further away from the equator. We found out that the Arctic is in the Northern Hemisphere and it is a cold region. We used made Arctic landscapes and identified both human and physical features. 

This half term we have been learning to play a range of tuned and untuned instruments. We have enjoyed learning the song 'Sparkle in the Sun'. We used our tuned instruments to accompany the song.

In maths we have been looking at comparing numbers to 100. 

Penguins Attention!!

We used ribbons to weave a pattern. in Design and Technology.

Using tools safely is a key skill in Design and Technology.

Models created at home  that were  inspired by the Great Fire of London workshop that took place in school recently.

During our London topic we  learnt about the Great Fire of London in History. The Rainbow Theatre company came into school and we all took part in a drama workshop. Everyone agreed that it was good fun.