Religious Education

Subject leaders: Mrs Bicheno and Mrs Chinery

June 2024- Year 3 were very lucky to be visited by a pupils mother and grandfather to give us a real life understanding of how Sikh followers live in Britain today. We learnt about the Gurdwara her grandfather is a Principle of and the daily routine for Sikh people.

We listened well and asked lots of questions. 

We were shown how to bow and show respect by having our feet, head and hands in contact with the floor. 

One of the 5 K's- Kanga (comb)

Thank you so much for helping us learn. 

June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June, we were fortunate with the weather, as year 5 ventured to London.  

In the afternoon, we explored St.Paul’s Cathedral and The architect Sir Christopher Wren.  After a poignant moment of reflection, we laid on the floor to explore the decorative dome ceiling.  Most of us climbed up to the magnificent whispering gallery and then up to the golden gallery, which was 528 steps, to see the amazing views of London from the top of the dome.  

22nd May

Year 3 have been so busy!  Today we made some Matzo bread.  In RE we are learning about the Jewish Passover holiday.  We have been looking at the foods eaten on the Seder plate and wanted to try to make our own Matzo bread. All you need is flour and water, lots of kneading and rolling.  Bake for 5 minutes on one side, then repeat on the other side.  Most children liked the taste of the crispy bread, others were not too sure!

Easter reflection space (with the local schools ministry)- EY to YR4

Each class spent some time in the reflection space with the support of adults from the local schools ministry and a variety of resources; thinking about things such as, food that is special to them and things that have brought them happiness.

This group of year1 children are making things that have made them unhappy out of play dough in the past, that they want to leave behind.

This group of year3 children are creating bunting with important pieces of news they have had in their lives.

January 2024

Year 4 have been studying the signs and symbols with Christianity and have then designed some of their own. Can you identify what they represent?

C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S spells Christmas 2023

All of our KS2 pupils enjoyed showing thier dramatic talents within our chritsmas play. We took a comical look at each part of the Christmas story by performing a talent show style series of songs. Our talented year 5 and 6 pupils also showed their excellent ability to bring lines to life and perform to an excellent standard. WOW! 

Year 3 and 4 visit to Sunnymede Baptist Church- December 2023

Years 3 and 4 were given the opportunity to visit our local church to participate in a Nativity workshop. We had lots of hands on opportunities to make crowns, consider what messages the angels would have sent and make gifts for Jesus out of playdough! Who doesnt like playing with playdough and dressing up! We had lots of fun.

Hand made Gifts


Role Play

Year 3- The importance of Water

Year 3 have started their unit on Hinduism by looking at the importance of water. 

Year 6- Pillars of Islam

Year 6 have been learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.

They have been thinking carefully about how the concepts relate to their lives- look at thier lovely artwork and information.

February 2023

Year 5 and 6 Visit to the Life Exhibition- Our pupils had the opportunity to visit Billericay Baptist Church to take part in an interactive learning experience using tablets, videos and quizzes to learn about the life of Jesus.

The LIFE Exhibition covers a variety of themes, including:

o Life line – discovering how the life of Jesus was predicted hundreds of years earlier by Jewish prophets.

o Life talks – understanding how the unique teachings of Jesus are still known today. o Lifeworks–seeing how Jesus miracles helped people.

o Life giver – exploring the impact of his death, burial and resurrection

Our pupils really enjoyed themselves and the use of technolgy to help them learn.

Using technology 

Working together 


Click below to find out more about what humanists believe.

Humanist Assembly - October 2022

This week, the wonderful Peter Lawley, a Humanist, came to talk to us about Humanism.

​Humanism is an approach to ife that is found throughout time and across the world in many different cultures.

Humanists believe that people have one life to live - there is no afterlife.  As a result, they focus on being happy and 

making  the most of their life. They also believe they have a duty to support others

In year 4, we made stained glass windows of the Christmas story in design and technology.