Art and Design

                                 Subject lead: Miss Aston

Leonardo Da Vinci - the inspiration and their art work

Edgar Degas - the inspiration and their art work

Salvador Dali - the inspiration and their art work

Virtual art galleries 

Visiting an art gallery is an amazing experience as you can see fascinating pieces of art, read the stories behind the art work and stand within the wonders of incredible buildings. Below are links to virtual galleries to help have this experience from the comfort of your own home!

Winter art morning 

In November, Sunnymede completed their first themed art morning as a primary school! Inspired by the beauties of winter, we all used water colour to create a wintery landscape. Across the year groups, we used different techniques, skills and media to create our scene. We explored the use of colour, the effect of water and the movement of brushes within our pieces. 

Have  a look at some of our art work. Which techniques can you see? Which media has been used? Which piece is your favourite and why?

Some pupils were so impressed with their art work and proud of what they had achieved. Some children even bought in their own brushes and water colour palettes to use for the morning while others said they would like a water colour set for Christmas!

Progression of painting across the years

Year 3 investigate primary, secondary and tones of colour. They apply this knowledge to create a colour painting which is inspired by Robert and Sonia Delaunay. They learn about different sized brushes and the effect this has.

Year 4 use tempera paint to paint their Egyptian profiles. They mix the colours to create different hues, control the amount of water needed and select an appropriate paintbrush.

Year 5 create abstract space art in the style of Peter Thorpe. They learn a range of brush strokes and apply these to create their own inspired piece. They incorporate other media, such as pastels and chalk. 

Progression of drawing across the years

At Sunnymede Junior School, in order for our pupils to develop proficiency in drawing, we have designed a curriculum which revisits and builds upon prior drawing skills. Specific drawing techniques are introduced in different year groups while others are recapped in order to support retention.  Below, you can see examples of sketching within each year group.

Year 3

Year 5

Year 4

Year 6

Art and design in action in KS2

Year 3

Today has been a busy day.  We started our weaving.  Everyone had to concentrate really hard and remember the over and under technique.  There were lots of instructions to follow and the children learnt that sometimes things take a long time....but the end result is worth it!  We hope you like them when the children bring them home for Christmas!  Here were are working hard to create them today.

In year 3, we have been studying three artists who print their work: Andy Warhol, Schatzi Brown and William Morris.  We created our own design and then drew it on a polystyrene tile.  It was then time to use rollers to print our own design. 

Year 3

In our art lessons, we have been learning about mosaics.  We compared Roman mosaics with the more modern Gaudi mosaics, then manipulated and rolled clay to create our own mosaic tile.  When they were dry, we used our brush stroke skills from last term and painted our tiles.   What do you think?


We have also been busy painting.  We learnt about skills in painting; looking at different brush strokes, how to make secondary colours and how to create different tones of colour.  We then studied different paintings by Robert and Sonja Delaunay and tried to recreate our own versions of their paintings.  What do you think?

Which colours are primary?

How have we created our secondary colours?

Year 4

As historians, we have been learning about the Anglo Saxons.  In art, we have also studied Anglo Saxon pottery design and then used clay to bring our on ideas to life.

We also planned out our ideas first in our sketch books.

We used craft tools to add our designs.

During multicultural week, Year 4 used soft pastels to imitate the African Savannah with their own choice of African animal in the foreground.  


In art, we have been looking at the artists Kate Spencer and Romero Britto and recreating their designs, using paint. Also, we have been developing our sewing skills to make a cushion with embellishments.  We learnt how to do backstitch, satin stitch, short and long stitch and the french knot.

For our winter art morning, year 5 created a sunset or sunrise using watercolours in the background.  In the foreground, we experimented painting different alpine trees.  Finally, we used a splatter technique for a snow effect. 

Year 6 

In art, we have been creating sculptures in the style of Ancient Greek athletes. Firstly, we drew the human body, considering proportion, and then we used wire and plaster to make the sculptures. Using the plaster was quite messy work but we managed to smooth the plaster in order to make our sculpture stable. Some of us were able to make our athlete stand freely!

Year 6 have been practising collage techniques and have created their own landscape collages.

During multicultural week, to help understand the culture of the Mauri tribe, we looked at the jewellery they had and what it symbolised. Inspired by this, we used clay to create our own pieces. Can you see any similarities and differences between the pieces?