Zoomed Shoe

3 Zoom Views


Graphite Pencil on Drawing Paper

Zoom Shoe


Watercolor on Watercolor Paper

The main idea that guided my artwork was starting off with the lines from the zoomed shoe assignment. I wanted to create something colorful, something I enjoy making, and something that fit those particular lines in. Although it took me a while I figured I would try and create something with a frog. It eventually turned into this.

I used watercolor and acrylic paint on watercolor paper. I enjoy using watercolor mostly because of the layering that goes into it. The many colors you wouldn't think go together shades something perfectly.

From start to finish I had a general idea and a sketch underneath the paint so I wasn't going along with whatever, I had a plan. My favorite part to do was the sky. I was trying to figure out how to make stars or something like stars, so I tried just flicking my paintbrush at the paper and it worked. By using watercolor I can experiment with colors to see what goes well with what. For example the shading on the mushroom has orange, yellow, pink. red, white, and brown. You don't always know that just looking at the piece. For the stem I used blue, yellow, and red as highlights and shading which seems strange but I think it worked out very well. It gave the brown a different look than the tree behind it.