Art History Inspired Project

That Comfort Feeling

Mixed Media


The main idea that guided my artwork was the inspiration from the two artists I chose, Amy Gerald and Alicia Tormley. The ideas I got from Amy were bringing background into foreground, and the ideas I got from Alicia were my vibrant colors. I wanted to incorporate personal items in my work so all over the page is little hidden easter eggs from my room. An example being the candles on the left blue bookshelf. I love candles and have a large array of them so I put them in here. Another example would be the lamp on the brown bookshelf. The plants scattered across the drawing were there from my love of greenery.

The materials I used were watercolor, colored pencils, marker, paint pens, and white pens.

I already had a good general idea of how I wanted the piece to come out. However I discovered on the way that I wanted it to be very colorful instead of a bunch of browns. I already had a sketch of my drawing so I just upped the scale, Since this is somewhat of a perspective drawing I had to use a ruler which I wasn't intending to do in the first place. The piece has been a journey that I have been able to enjoy. I used materials I rarely use and techniques I haven't really tried before.