Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubberband


Graphite Pencil on Drawing paper

Frontal View of a Shoe


Graphite Pencil on Drawing paper

Aerial View of a Shoe


Graphite Pencil on Drawing paper

Profile View of a Shoe


Graphite Pencil on Drawing paper

The assignment for all these pieces were pure contour, mean straight non messy lines. Starting with a sketch, I had to go over them with nice and clean lines. The shoes were quite easy however the hand proved to be quite difficult, especially because my hand doesn't stay perfectly still. Not being able to add detail quite annoyed me. I used graphite on drawing paper for all of these. This assignment wasn't the easiest, especially when I had to draw the aerial view of a shoe. All four drawings were of different views of different things. I also used three different shoes although they look similar.

I used graphite on drawing paper.

Although it may sound strange, my hope was that these would actually look like shoes. I know it sounds like it obviously would but shoes have so many lines and shadows. It was tempting to shade and add details because the shoe looked so blank.