time capsule

Summer Rogers



The main idea that guided my artwork was the assignment to create a self portrait. I used pencil for material. The process was quick, we had about twenty minutes to create so I tried my best. I used a mirror so this was drawing live. I couldn't help but move so the process of attempting to draw the lines and shade the correct places was a bit more difficult.

Mint Tea



The idea that guided this piece was the assignment to draw a still life, meaning an object that does not move. I had sweet mint peach tea in front of me, and I have always loved the look of round object drawings so this was perfect. I used pencil for this.

My Room



The main idea behind this was the assignment of drawing a room from a corner. I used pencil to create this artwork. I chose my room because it has a strange shape instead of just being a traditional box and I think it looked quite interesting.