Wire Sculpture

Wire Tower

1mm X 10"

18 gage black wire, diagonal cutting pliers, and needle-nose pliers.

Wire Sculpted Glasses

~4.75" X ~1.5"

18 gage black wire, needle-nose pliers, 22 gage copper wire, 28 gage black wire, and diagonal cutting pliers.

For this piece, I wanted to show how I could create something that I use on a day to day basis into something a little more abstract and meaningful out of wire, while also showing my newly gained skills at creating wire sculptures. I feel as though although this assignment was tricky, I was able to accomplish my goals of creating life size glasses out of wire, and properly demonstrate my new knowledge of how to use wire for artistic purposes.

To create this piece, I first has to start my cutting my wires to the proper proportions so they would be just the right size to make these glasses realistic. That's when I used my cutting pliers. Next I used my needle-nose pliers to bend and connect all the different pieces of my glasses using only the 18 gage wire, as it's a thicker wire and more sturdy. Then for the final elements, I created two of my favorite sceneries out of 22 gage copper wire and attached them in the lenses of the glasses. the 28 gage black wire was used for extra support on the areas that needed it. This is when I could call this a finished piece.

This was a new skill for me, so wire sculpting did not come naturally. I found myself getting very frustrated and angry when the wire didn't bend or close properly, and would want to give up, when it didn't look how I wanted it to. That's when the practicing came in. I practiced bending smaller wires, and cool techniques on how to tighten them so the wires were more secure and sturdy. This was the research that occurred for my final piece, and other than the little research to better secure my structure, it was all a learning process, and I am very proud of the results.