Color Design

Painted Value Strip

Green, Black, and white acrylic paint.

A Jungle Of Color

18 x 24

Assorted Acrylic paints, HB graphite pencil, a variety of paint brushes, acrylic artist paper, and water.

Color Mixers

9 x 12

Acrylic paint, HB graphite pencil.

For my jungle piece, I wanted to demonstrate my knowledge of how to make different colors, through an exotic and interesting jungle. I was intrigued by the colorfulness of a jaguar, and when looking at the many different dark colors I had to used, I decided it was the best idea to draw a giant jaguar with very colorful surroundings. I feel as though I accomplished my goal of showing different colors very well.

To create this piece, I had to start out by sketching my design and getting it exactly how I imagined. Then I went in an labeled every section to make sure I had enough places for all 84 different colors to go, then I could begin mixing and painting. I used only primary colors, plus black and white to mix every shade and tone, and then painted them on. After giving each section two solid coats, I let it dry and photographed my finished piece.

There was not a lot of research done for this piece, but I did have to learn to make certain tones and shades, and tints, and I needed to find the right images to use as my references when drawing and sketching out my design. Once I managed to get all the images I wanted to use, I sketched them into my art piece and then focused on the painting. I had to learn how to proportion each color to get the right tone, and I needed to figure out which colors I liked in the placing I initially had them. And after many hours of struggling to get all the paint made, I am relieved and happy to call this a finished piece.