5-Pot Creation

In the middle of creating.

Adding the final textures and touches before being fired for the first round.

After its first firing, and has been glazed awaiting on its final fire.

The Final Product.

This assignment was to create a design of your choice, but you must include at least 5 pinch pots in your design and it must be unique in its own way. I initially chose to create a stacked jar of pinch pots, but then disliked the way it was turning out so switched to doing different fruits but didn't like that idea either. Finally, I was playing with the bottom shape that once was my pomegranate, and decided it looked like a log. This reminded me of the frog on a log book I read when I was younger and I was inspired to create my own version as a clay piece.

To make this piece, I started with my clay in its plastic stage and started to make a bunch of little pinch pots. Then I used my slip to form them together and slowly added the details into my scene and my frog. Then it was time to let it dry out so it was bone dry and ready for its bisque fire. Afterwards I used PC-29, SM-42, PC-33, PC-59, AF-11, SM-63, and C-20 to glaze my creation, and after it was glaze fired, I am happy to call this a finished piece.

The final product for this project changes numerous amounts of times for me. I first struggled with my sketch ideas, and then I didn't like the finished product of my design when I had finished my sketch shown above, and completely decided to start over. In the end, I think the final product turned out much better than either of my initial ideas and overall I am really happy with the results. I was able to get about 10 small pinch pots incorporated into my design and think the little turtle character is amazing!