Independent Project

A Handful Of Plants

~7" x ~3"

clay roller, clay carver, bakeable clay softener, aluminum foil, bakeable clay gloss (final coat), and sculpting clay.

For this piece, I wanted to demonstrate how I am able to create a new version of my artist-inspired project, but instead, it's inspired by my own love for sculpting and plants. I used the exact same materials, and even kept the floral idea, but changed it to better fit my wants and ideas. I feel as though I was able to properly demonstrate my sculpting skills and how I've been able to develop them from the middle of the year when I first started sculpting, to the end of the year when I created something I've never made before.

To create this piece, I started by creating the hand shape out of aluminum foil. this is how I created the skeleton of my hand and made sure it was properly bending and shaped as realistic as possible. Next, it was time to add the white sculpting clay on top and shape the hand by adding texture to get the realistic elements such as the fingernails. Finally, the hand was ready, and I was able to start making very cartoon-like plants that will be the centerpiece of my work. Once all the succulents were attached, then I was able to bake my clay, cover it in a gloss final coat, and call it a finished product.

The most research that needed to be done was on different succulents. I struggled to figure out enough unique types of plants to put in my hand, as my room only has around eight I was able to use as references. Once I found multiple references, I used those to help create my piece. Other than this succulent research, there was no other studying or research done, as using this material was very comfortable for me and something I love to use consistently. I am overall very happy with this piece and feel that this piece and my artist-inspired projects are the best art pieces I've created throughout the year.