
Time Capsules


9" x 11"

Mirror, B and 2B graphite pencils with a piece of paper.

Corner Of a Room

6.65" x 9"

Corner of my living room (reference), B and 2B graphite pencils with a piece of paper.

Still Life

9" x 12"

Phone and a pair of headphones (reference), B and 2B graphite pencils with a piece of paper.

These drawings were based off of objects or people that I saw. The corner of my living room, myself through a mirror, and my phone with headphones attached to it, were all influences to my drawing. Before I began drawing, I studied these objects, their shapes, size, and proportions to make sure my drawings were accurate and clean. These pieces were a way for me to demonstrate my prior knowledge of realistic drawings with references, and to show what I still struggle with and need to work on.

To create these pieces of art, I used only the very basic art materials. These being paper, B and 2B graphite pencils, and a mirror/reference. The B pencil was used for sketching out the outline on paper and then adding the small light details. Then I would go in with my 2B pencil and shade in anything to add dimension and shading. The mirror was used to continuously have a way to see my features as I drew them out, and the references for an original object or location to base my drawing off of.

For these drawings, there was not a lot of research done. I mainly relied on the references to help me recreate myself, an object, and a location. At the beginning of creating these drawings, I had a first sketch and a final sketch, that way I could decide the best placement for everything, and Put forth the best work I could. Throughout the drawings, I also made sure to experiment with angles but did not experiment with materials. I stuck to the basics. Overall even though I did not experiment much, or do a lot of research, these were pieces that required prior knowledge and patience with yourself.