Extended Blind Contour

The Abstract Faces

6.55" x 5.5"

Thin point sharpie, Cool and warm-colored Crayola markers, and a paint brush with water.

In this piece, my goal was to demonstrate my knowledge of abstract artwork and to create a colorful piece of art while trying new skills and learning more about abstract in the process. I believe that I demonstrated as best as a could how I could take some lines and turn it into a piece of art through colors and some extra details.

To make this piece I started out by drawing 2 faces and a hand without looking. That is how I got my initial lines for the bases of the different faces. Then I continued to use my sharpie to add different facial features and make the circles look more like abstract faces. I intentionally tried to get each face to have a different look or expression to it. Then I went in with crayola marker and started to shade and color in all the white spaces. This is when I used a paint brush and water to blend out the background as suggested by my art teacher. Thats when I let it dry, and called it a finished piece.

To come up with this idea, like I mentioned earlier, I drew 2 faces and a hand without looking. After drawing those as best as I could, I then looked at my paper to begin brainstorming creative ways to turn it into a finished art piece. Once I noticed some of the shapes have facial features, I decided to do a group of different faces with crazy colors. That's when I had to do a Little research on what abstract pieces looked like when they involved faces, and found 2 images (linked below) that had my color scheme and structure I wanted. Soon enough I was finishing up my art piece and calling it a final product.

