lidded Jars

The initial sketch.

After its been completely sculpted, awaiting to be fired while drying out.

After its gone through its first firing, and has been glazed awaiting its second firing.

The Final Product.

For this assignment, we were required to make a lidded jar that was functional and somehow related to another lidded jar, and one or both must include feet. My inspiration for this piece was how different fruits stick together in bunches of 2 or more, and in this case I thought the best representation of this was the fruit cherries. I decided the best way to approach this project was to connect the two lidded jars through using the same lid for both as the stems of each cherry are connected.

To create this piece I started out with my clay and started pinching two very similar shaped pots. Then I formed the lids and attached them together using my slip. Once this dryed out to its leather hard stage, I cut out my tops and smoothed everything out. Now it was time to roll out the stems, attach those and add the final details. Next it was fired in a bisque fire, and ready to be glazed. I used a mix of HF-165 and SM-51 to get the bright cherry color I was looking for and for the bow, and I used SM-42 and SM-44 for the cherry stems. After it had been glazed, it was fired for the final time, and photographed as a finished piece.

Overall I am happy with the final result of this piece, but I feel there are a few things I would have changed. The first one being how strange the bow looks, I think it needs a different color for it to stand out more, and one of the ends of the bow fell off because of it being so fragile so I would have gone back and fixed that too. The biggest thing I would have changed would have been the uneven alignment of the lids to my jars. I think in the kiln they weren't shaped properly so once the lids were fired separate from the cherries, they shrunk differently and therefore no longer fit properly on the cherries themselves. Overall though I do love this piece and am very proud of it.