Colored Candy

Shaded Spheres

9" x 12"

watercolor paper, marker, assorted colored pencils, watercolor, HB graphite pencil.

Candy Still Life

11" x 14"

Marker, assorted colored pencils, white gel pen, HB graphite pencil, water, and printmaking paper.

Both Pieces were a way for me to demonstrate my knowledge of shading, while also trying to shade using different materials, and no black or graphite. I feel as though these two pieces properly demonstrate the skills I have developed throughout learning to shade using the shaded spheres and then applying it to the candy still life final piece.

To make the shaded spheres, each sphere's materials were different. The blue sphere was made with assorted blue and purple colored pencils, and started with the lightest outline and slowly worked my way inward. The same process occurred to make each sphere, but for the green sphere artist's markers were used, the red and orange sphere was watercolor, and the yellow sphere was watercolor and colored pencil. After practicing on these spheres, I was ready to move on to the candy still life. I arranged my candies until they were laid out how I pictured, and began my sketch in a light pencil. Then I went in with my colored pencils and began the shading. After completely covering my pencil sketches, I used my marker to finish the final shadows and then took my white gel pen to add little features to make the wrappers seem realistic, and to add highlights to each candy.

For each piece, there was not a ton of research done to accomplish my goals. For the spheres, I used my prior knowledge and additional knowledge given by a demonstration in class of shading to come up with the color schemes and then sketch out and begin shading my spheres. On the other hand, for my candy still life, I used a handful of assorted candies and rearranged them on a piece of paper, photographed and studied that paper until I had a good sense of what I was drawing. This is how I used these candies to create an enlarged still-life version of them. Overall I am very happy with how both pieces turned out.