Pure Contour

Hand Holding A Rubber Band

9" x 12"

printmaking paper, HB and H graphite pencils, and an eraser.

Side View of A Shoe

9" x 12"

printmaking paper, HB and H graphite pencils, and an eraser.

Aerial View of A Shoe

9" x 12"

printmaking paper, HB and H graphite pencils, and an eraser.

Frontal View of A Shoe

9" x 12"

printmaking paper, HB and H graphite pencils, and an eraser.

The main idea for these pieces was to show my understanding of pure contour line drawings. With each piece, I drew a different view and item to try and show how well I am able to draw different objects through different points of view and angles. Personally, I believe the hand drawing and the side view of the sneaker are the Art pieces that best represent my skills and understanding of the assignment.

To create these four pieces I went back to the basic materials. Graphite pencils and artists' printmaking paper. Each drawing started out with a rough draft or light sketch with my lightest strokes, then as I gained confidence in the design and shapes I gradually went in with a stronger more visible line to make sure the outlines and details were truly noticeable. After I had all of my sketches finalized, I went in with a dark stroke and outlined all the details to create the pure contour line I was looking for. That's when I erased all the excess lines and signed my work.

When creating each piece there was not a lot of research done beforehand. These projects were more about the objects in front of me, so instead, it took a ton of internal picturing and physically feeling the object to know every crease and line I needed to draw. For each piece, once my hand position or shoe was picked out, I figured out a special way that helped me create the lines I wanted. I closed my eyes and traced around the outsides of the object with my finger to get a sense of everything I needed to draw. Once I felt as though I knew enough about the object to draw it, I finally began the process of creating my art pieces. Overall, I liked some more than others but feel as though all could use improvements regardless of how good they are.