

Mixed-media sketchbook paper, Micron pen, colored pencil

4.5 in x 4.5 in

While making this drawing I was thinking about the requirements for the assignment, and how I could make them something I was more interested in. It had to be an elephant's body, a spider's legs, and a fish's head. I don't like fish, but I figured that a shark was close enough. Since Jabberjaw is a shark, I put his head onto the elephant body and spider legs. I chose to do this because me and my brother have been enjoying watching Jabberjaw lately and when I heard fish that's what came into my mind.

While making this I used mixed-media sketchbook paper, a pencil, a Micron pen for outlines, and the colored pencils I had on my desk.

This was actually the second attempt I made at the assignment, because in my first attempt I couldn't figure out how to get the fish head to look a) like a fish head and b) natural and like it belonged in the art. My solution to this was to change the fish head to a shark head, since I already knew how to draw Jabberjaw and had been watching him on TV already anyway so I had it on my mind. I decided to help it look more natural by extending his blue back through the elephant section of the drawing so it looked like all one piece instead of a mess of what was clearly three different things. If I were to continue working on this I would probably redo the entire thing in Micron pen again and watercolor over that so everything could blend a bit better and look smoother and more finalized.