Linoleum Print

Drawing on paper and original outline on linoleum

Carved linoleum block

Solid Colour Print

Multi-Colour Print

Non-Traditional Print

Extended Print

As with the last few projects, I obviously did my dog River. I chose a picture that I thought might be a bit difficult to recreate on linoleum, and I think that it worked out really well. I did my dog because she is pretty much the only thing I take pictures of, so I had plenty of photos to choose from. I like using my dog for projects because I spend most of my freetime working on things with her. I find I enjoy the projects a lot more when I do something I want to come out looking nice such as River.

Obviously I used linoleum and ink for this project, and I like the way it can be reused over and over in different colours or on different surfaces.

I wanted to try to make a print that was fairly realistic. I wasn't really sure how I was going to do it freehand at first, but once I had gotten it on paper graphire transfering made it easy to switch back over. I didn't really have any plan at all beyond the basic outline. I wasn't sure what I wanted to be negative and positive space, I didn't know how I wanted to do the lines, if I wanted them to be solid white space or more textured, but I like the mix of the two that I ended up with. I was originally planning to leave the body as mostly solid colour, but I decided to try and give it some texture as well. I also tried to incorporate some sections that ended up darker in the end because I didn't put as many lines in them for River's markings. Overall I like how it came out and I don't think I would really change anything.