Midterm Circle Project

Midterm Circle Project

9 in x 12 in

Smooth bristol, coloured pencil

Midterm Circle Project (sketch)

9 in x 12 in

Smooth bristol, graphite

I wanted to use a 4 x 5 grid of circles to make something I liked and was proud of. I knew from the start I wanted to use coloured pencils because I've been enjoying figuring them out, but in messing around with different grids of circles I couldn't come up with anything that I really liked. The only thing I've been drawing lately have been dogs, and I wasn't overly happy with my third SI project that focused on head shapes and angles. In my sketching I tend to start dogs with the general circular shape of the head, and that worked out perfectly for this project. I included the sketch so the original circles can be seen. I wanted to focus on different angles and relatively accurate shading and colour with coloured pencils. I chose to stick to a solid black GSD because it was easier to keep consistency and focus on highlights, but I didn't use any reference images beyond the original time I spent on the SI's. I was focused more on trying to figure out how to make the final project look the way I pictured it without spending too much time looking for reference images.

I used smooth bristol board and soft coloured pencils because the bristol allows a better surface for the pencils, and the pencils allowed for the blending and texture I wanted to have to accurately show the reflections and depth I wanted to show.

I chose to layout each dog quite close to the others and shape them around each other because if they were too far apart they wouldn't look as connected in a grid format and it wouldn't be as nice to look at. I chose a more neutral black for the dogs not only to keep consistency, but also to keep it from looking cluttered. You look at more of them and focus more on the shape and differences of each instead of focusing on the patterns of each. I am happy with how it turned out because it drew attention to and highlighted what I wanted it to, and I like the overall finished project.