2D Design

I think my most success has come from learning how to use materials more effectively. I definitely have a tendency to get comfortable with one material and stick with it indefinitely, and I think this class helped me to want to choose to try using other materials. I also think combining materials was something that I got better at over the course of this class. Digital resources were really helpful to clean things up a bit more and make them more the way I wanted them to look.

Something I still struggle with is getting things to be the way I want them and leaving them without continuing to edit and mess with various aspects, usually resulting in me changing something to be something I am less happy with overall. I need to get better at deciding to stop working on something because I am happy with it being done, and then actually leaving it alone. I always seem able to find more to try and change even if it really doesn't need to be changed at all.

Moving forward I want to get better at sketching more realistically without relying as heavily on a reference image. I also want to get better at using materials more efficiently and confidently. I want to spend more time working on using various materials and even combining materials to create work in different mediums. I think getting better at both physical and digital work will make me happier with a lot of the work I produce because it will have more variety and get better over time.