Pure Contour

My Hand

Mixed-media sketchbook paper, an HB and 2B drawing pencil

7 in x 10 in

The first problem I ran into with this drawing was finding a rubber band. I ended up just using the hair tie that was already on my wrist. I struggled the most with the length and width of fingers so they were proportional, but also with the scar on my thumb. It is very raised up and obvious so I couldn't really just skip over it, but it was very difficult to get right and I am still not the happiest with it. Thank god I had a sweatshirt on because my wrist and forearm are also covered in various scars that I have no interest in trying to draw.

I used mixed-media sketchbook paper and drawing pencils. I started with a 2H pencil and finished with an HB and 2B.

I started with my thumb nail when looking back I should have started with the base of my thumb and my wrist. As for the rest of it I am glad that I did my thumb first because it was the most difficult part for me, and the hardest part for the fingers was just to make them look proportional to the rest of my hand. Originally I had my sweatshirt sleeve rolled up and attempted to draw my wrist without it there. I was struggling with making the scars on my arm look natural and decided to erase and start that part over with my sleeve down. I am so glad I did because it looks so much more natural with the sleeve there than without it. If I were to continue working on this I might try and get the scar on my thumb to look a little better, and I would probably even out/add some shading in a few places and maybe change my sleeve a little bit.