

Freeport Highschool Logo

Sketch page of the FHS logo >>>

While the assignment was to make a logo for either the school as a whole or a club within the school, we were told that to make up a club would be totally fine, so that's what I decided to do. Something I enjoy is running with my dog, and something else I enjoy is XC skiing. I am currently in the process of training my dog for skijoring and I think it could be really fun to do with other people interested in the same thing (although there aren't very many people who are so a club is unrealistic). I also just kind of felt like drawing a dog and now that it's almost ski season the whole idea has been in my mind a lot recently.

I used just a sharpie for my logo. I love using pen to do quick sketches because I find that it keeps me from obsessing over details since I can't erase them even if I do make a mistake. I included the sketch page I did as an idea generator to show that.

I started with some loose sketches out of my own memory for both the dog and the person. I struggled a lot more with the person because I tend to draw dogs quite often so to get the basic structure of a larger dog wasn't a huge challenge. As you can see, I obviously went through a lot of ideas on the sketch paper. I focused a lot on making the design look bold and clean, but also pretty accurate to reality.