
Negative Space Hands

Mixed-media sketchbook paper, a pencil

7 in x 10 in

Negative Space Leaves

Bristol board, sharpie, watercolor

6.5 in x 9 in

The most obvious thing that stands out in this work is the bug looking thing in the bottom left corner. That is a bin weevil. One of my favorite games to play with my friends is Bin Weevils. It is an easy game to spend time just messing around on, and we will even play for hours at a time. The rest of it is watercolor because I thought it looked cool.

I used pencils, sharpie, paper and watercolors to create this because I thought they would achieve the effect I wanted better than colored pencils.

I started with the border, and then worked on the leaves. They were hard to get right because normally I would rely on detail within the leaves but I liked this better because it was less stressful to only have to focus on the border instead of all the details that really make them look like leaves. Originally I was only going to have green purple and blue watercolors in the background but I changed my mind at the last minute and added some red, yellow and orange to make the Bin Weevil pop out and draw your attention more. I don't know what my next steps would be. I feel that this is completed and I am happy with it.