Time Capsule Drawings

Room Corner

Pencil, mixed-media sketchbook paper

7 in x 10 in

The only really visually evident idea in this drawing are the Nerf bullets on the floor in the corner from at least two years ago, and those are only there because I haven't picked them up yet. I chose that corner because it was the simplest corner of my room to draw.

I used mixed-media sketchbook paper and a pencil.

At first I had tried to draw a different corner but it was too busy for me to only spend 20 minutes on it so I chose a different corner and cleared away some stuff so it would be simpler but if I were to redo it with more time and more effort I would probably add more stuff or pick a different corner.

Still Life

Pencil, mixed-media sketchbook paper

7 in x 10 in

My still life drawing was very difficult because my cat was in the way and I struggled to just add her in because she kept moving around and then things would look wrong. This obviously resulted in a very undetailed cat. I guess I didn't expect anything else though.

I used mixed-media sketchbook paper and a pencil.

I drew the cat first because I knew she would probably move, and after that I focused more on my laptop and the bed around it because the cat had moved already. If I were to do this again or keep working on it I would take a picture and draw that so the cat wouldn't look so funny.

Self Portrait

Pencil, mixed-media sketchbook paper

7 in x 10 in

There isn't really a story behind this one, but I did put on my mask so the drawing would be easier. Self-portraits are one of my least favorite things to do but since it's always a requirement I can't really get around doing it.

I used mixed-media sketchbook paper and a pencil.

I started by drawing the outline for my head and hair, and then I added my eyes and mask. I spent the last 30 seconds or so trying to add the top of my sweatshirt but time ran out so it isn't great. If I were to remake this I would spend more time on it and add more detail.