WatchmaDRAW it.

For my WatchmaDRAW it, my prompt was to draw a picture of myself with my eyes closed. I created this drawing by sketching the picture of myself with my eyes closed, and then using colored pencils to give it some color and personality. I had two choices of what I was to draw for my WatchmaDRAW it, and the prompt to draw a picture of myself with my eyes closed caught my attention more, so thats what I decided to do. For this drawing I used color, shape, and texture.

Techniques I used in my art work were the contrast of color, which made mine stand out more than others, considering most people didn't use color. I also tried to use shadowing on the eyelids to show that the eyes are closed. My project evolved from looking plain with no color to having color and a lot of personality, and also showcases the physical features better. I changed the lips because at first there were to many lines on them, so I changed them to become more simple and normal looking.

I think the meaning truly behind the art work is to draw things with a new perspective, because usually in self-portraits you'll be able to see the eyes, but in this case, the eyes are closed. This piece of art relates to my life because I've been looking at things from new perspectives, and this is one of them, since one of the facial features is being covered up. To make this artwork stronger I'd blend in the shadowing on the eyelids because right now you can't really tell that I'm trying to show that the eyes are closed.