Candy Still-Lifes

These projects are called candy still life and shaded spheres. The shaded spheres were a formative for practice, and the candy still life, which was the summative to show that we know how to use shadow. For the shaded spheres, we used charcoal, ink, watercolor, and colored pencils. To do this project we had a light/white highlight where the light would be hitting the sphere and as the sphere got farther away from the light, it got darker. Then we drew a shadow in the same direction in which the light was hitting the object. For the candy still life, we choose a few candies, and one had to be multiple of the same thing, like whoppers. For this project, we did the same thing with shadows and highlights, as we did for the shaded spheres. For the candy still life I used a lollipop, whoppers, and starburst, and to create the project I used a graphite pencil, and colored pencil. I choose to do these specific candies because I thought it would be a cool mix/balance of different candies. For this project used shadows, to make the candies look 3-D.

Techniques that are showcased in my artwork are shadows, different lightings, highlights, and materials that it was my first time using, like ink and charcoal. I used shadows on all of the candy which you can see resembles where the shadow would normally be, since its going in the same direction as the light. My project evolved because I changed the position of some objects from what it looked like on the paper that I glued my candies onto. For instance, my candies weren't going off the paper on at least 3 sides, so I had to change the position of some of the candy.

The meaning behind this project is that I learned how to be able to add shadow and highlights to my drawing. It really will make my artwork look a lot better in the future because it gives the art value and perspective. This project relates to my life because I will incorporate these new techniques into my drawings, from now on. To make my artwork stronger, I would take more time when writing words on the candy, because it looks a little messy.