Class Collaboration

For this project we worked with proportions. We were given a small photograph and we had to enlarge it. At the end the class will put all the drawings together and it will make on big picture. For this project I used graphite pencil to draw the outside lines. I was glad that I used pencil at first because since there are son many bumps and ridges I messed up a few times, and it was helpful that I could erase. At first it was a challenge matching proportions by I divided the paper into quarters so in the end I got more exact proportions. After I was happy with how it looked I used colored pencil to convey black and white parts of the picture. For the black part of the picture I used dark blue, and for the with part I used light blue. My project evolved from using graphite pencil to using colored pencil, which made it a lot more intriguing to the eye.