Painting of surrealist collage

I'm calling this project, photo shoot because it incorporates a camera taking a photo of a girl with an apple hat. The subject is a portrait based off of a collage. I chose to create this specific artwork because I thought it looked like a cool collage with many different cut outs from magazines. For materials, I used black and silver pens, acrylic paints, and graphite pencils. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: using different paint brushes to create texture and using paint pens to create colors you can't with the primary colors, like silver.

While creating this artwork, I paid close attention to color mixing by carefully analyzing the colors from the collage to mix paint to make as similar colors as possible. I wanted my artwork to have a background looking like a morning on the ocean and I did that my painting an ocean on the bottom and a pretty orange sunrise on the top.

I like the way my background turned out and I am proud of the way I tried my best to paint what was on my collage even thought many of the images were very difficult to draw. However, I struggled with making the skin color match what was on the collage. If I created another artwork I may make the neck not so long, and the apple bigger. My work shows that I learned how to look at images and painting them using surrealism.