
Gummy Worm chasing Gummy Bear

Graphite Pencils, Colored Pencils, and Sharpie

9" x 12"

Artist Statement: 

The main idea that guided my artwork was the fact that it was a Gummy Worm chasing a Gummy Bear and I instantly thought of candy. What I am trying to show or say with my work is that you can turn anything into a fun little piece of artwork that can represent you or something you care about. My favorite board game growing up was Candy Land and when I started drawing out my Gummy Bear & Gummy Worm, it came to me that Candy Land would be the best setting for this piece of art. 

I feel that the setting of the artwork brings out what the piece is trying to show or represent. I used Graphite pencils to start with my sketch, and then I outlined everything with a sharpie while leaving shaded spots for shadows. I then went on to use colored pencils and a white colored pencil for highlighting. 

At first, I was going to do a black and white art piece, but then I thought that the setting was Candy Land, I needed that pop of color to really have the artwork show that Candy Land is fun, unique, and creative.