Foundations of Art

Written Response -

My art can illustrate my strengths and weaknesses by showing what I am good at and what I need to work on. There are definitely pieces of artwork I have done that can show my strengths in art and then some pieces that show my weaknesses in art. I believe that during the year I increased my strengths in art more than increasing my weaknesses which I am really proud of myself for because I am not an artistic person. Looking at my work from the past year, I do notice an improvement and I feel as though I started working harder on my artwork and started to pick up more techniques to help my artwork come out better.

The most challenging project in my opinion was either the Candy Still Life or the Mixed Media Drawing because the Candy Still Life, I feel I struggled on because I am not good with drawing realistically and this whole project was about trying to make our art look very realistic. The Mixed Media Drawing was also one of the most challenging because the charcoal kept smudging all over the art and I needed a lot of it to remain white for the petals so that was very difficult. It was also very big and I had a hard time trying to keep everything steady and look nice without messing it up. My favorite project that I did was definitely the Mixed Media Drawing because I really loved how it turned out even if the process was very challenging. I felt so proud of myself when I completed this piece of art because I got out of my comfort zone with it and I am super happy I did because I think it is the best piece of art I have ever done.

My artistic goals for the future are to definitely keep trying at it and keep doing research/experiments to get out of my comfort zone. I have never been really good at art and because I was never good at it, I never took an interest in it but I believe this year I changed my views on that. Not only did this class help me change my art views and the way I feel about it but also my friend Taylin is such an amazing artist I love seeing her drawing because it definitely brings me joy and I wish I could feel that way with art as well so I am keeping an open mind about art and doing it the best I can, when I can, as long as I keep practicing.