Duck Stamp

Duck Stamp - "Home Sweet Home"

9" x 12"

Watercolor, Guash, Colored Pencils

Artist Statement:

For this project, we were required to draw a duck for the Junior Duck Stamp competition and I chose a Mallard Duck because that was the only duck I had a picture of and I prefer to recreate my own picture of a duck instead of having to worry about plagiarism. 

I first started off with the grass with watercolor and then moved on to the nest with watercolor as well. I used a light brown gouache for the base of the duck and then when it was all dry, I used colored pencils to give the picture more texture to look at so it can look more realistic and have details.

I did not research anything because I had my own picture of a Mallard Duckling and I know that ducklings stay in nests in the grass for a while before they really go out into the water, so I used some creativity for the nest in the grass and came up with it myself.