Orders (Change Orders)

How do I submit a Frequency Change Order? 

To facilitate this change order efficiently, we kindly request your assistance in reviewing the following resources: a step-by-step guide and/or instructional video. These resources are designed to walk you through the process of entering the change order directly into Cubhub.

It's important to note that regulatory requirements mandate clinician signatures for these changes. Utilizing Cubhub is the most convenient and effective method for processing these orders for both you and your client. Our administrative team is readily available to support you throughout this process. They will ensure the timely faxing of documents and facilitate the receipt of physician signatures.

Your flexibility and cooperation in adapting to this shift are highly valued. 

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Clinical Director or the Training Team. 

For your convenience, please find the resources below, or linked here as well:

Click-Step Guide: Frequency Change Orders in CubHub

Video: Frequency Change Orders in CubHub

How do I submit a Change Order to refelct a POC update - like updated goals

If you need to submit a Change Order mid-certification d/t readmission after hospitalization or other Plan of Care updates, navigate to the Orders section of the client chart and click "+" to fill out & submit the order.   

In the order instructions field - please add "please review and sign POC update"

In the order details field - please type the Physician Name from above and add their credentials, also, copy & paste the actual goals that have been updated into this section as well.   Check the "macro" icon for a POC update macro as well. 

Verbal Oders - toggle to "no" 

How do I update meds mid-certification? 

If you are entering medications outside of an assessment such as an eval or re-eval, you will enter the medication into the Live Patient Record (LPR).  The fields follow the same format as if you were updating medications via the assessment not itself.  

You will not need to submit an order if it is mid-certification, as the orders will be updated at the next re-eval time.  

You can always update the clients chart with a "communication note" too to highlight that you have made this update.   

Please reach out with questions. 

How do I assist my families with the process to obtain AFOs or DME?  Please review the TX DME Guide which includes a link to a blank Letter of Medical Necessity (LOMN).