Goals & Interventions

Reviewing Interventions and Goals via the Live Patient Record - to ensure dates are accurate & info entered.  

As you get started in Cubhub, it is important to reveiw your clients lists, interventions, and goals to ensure the information you need has been imported over form your previous EHR.  Please take a moment to review the following short video to show you how to do so.  


How do I add interventions or goals if they are missing? 

Please review this video which will show you the steps to follow to add interventions or goals to your clients Live Patient Record in the "PLAN" section so that they are available for documentation in your daily visit notes. 

What if I do not have any interventions in my note or get the “Missing Objective Interventions" error message when trying to submit my routine daily visit note?  What do I do? 

If interventions are not populating into the objective session of your routine visit note, they are missing from the client’s Live Patient Record (LPR). The video in the section above shares how to add your interventions into Cubhub.  The steps are as follows: 


How do I update goals in my re-evaluation? 

Shout out to Emily & Tim, our Clinical Business Analysts on the EHR Project Team, for testing some functionality & updating the Cubhub Therapy Training Slide Deck to reflect improved guidance and tips to successfully update goal progress at reevaluation time.  

We hope these tips will help be a bridge with QA to get your assessments processed more quickly with fewer needing your attention.   Below is a preview, but please click the link and scroll forward to the "reassessment & discharge" section to review all of the updates.  

Thanks for your patience and we troubleshooted things to determine best practices! 

How do I update goals mid-certification? 

IF you need to updated goals mid-certification, please do so via the LPR.  Click the LPR for your discipline and navigate to the Plan section, tap goals, & adjust as needed.  Please remember that any updates to goals mid-certification is considered a change to the POC and require you to submit an order.  

NOTE: the system is recording goals progress each time it is documents via your routine visit notes, and a goals progress report can always be viewed  to compare baseline to current progress if needed.  

I can no longer see my short term goals in the app, what happened? 

If you all of a sudden no longer see your short term goals in your routine daily visit notes, please check the END DATE of the goal via the Live Patient Record (LPR) on the browser version of Cubhub.  During the data migration, the system recognized goals as short term and set them to expire after 3 months.  SO, if you need them to continue through the end of the certification period, please follow the videos above on the page to update and save the end date to align with the end of the certification period.  

What happens if I check "mastered on" in my daily visit notes? 

If you click "mastered on" during your routine daily visits via the app - it is saying that goal has been met.  You can add comments describing the progress, and it will remove it from future visits.  So, if you need the goal to continue for the duration of the certification period, it would be better to comment on progress and not check "mastered on" until you no longer need it in your notes. 

What are best practices and requirements for setting goals?

Setting the Gold Standard in documentation is critical to being able to provide exceptional service to our families. 

This self-directed curriculum guides clinicians in achieving gold-standard documentation for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Superior MCO is Texas' largest and as we expand, continuing to meet Superior's regulations will help not only children serviced by that MCO but across all payors. This course emphasizes our stewardship of government funding and taxpayer dollars. It focuses on the provision of exceptional, medically necessary services tailored to individual members. 

The curriculum highlights the importance of setting and documenting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based (SMART) functional goals. These goals are integral in demonstrating clear, objective standards and ensuring documented progress.

An understanding of policy criteria and common pitfalls in documentation that lead to denials - not always a denial of member services but rather denials due to inadequate clinician documentation. 

Failure to adhere to these standards can lead to a loss of funding and potentially jeopardize relationships with Superior and other MCOs. 

The goal of this course is to empower clinicians with the knowledge and skills to document effectively, maintain compliance, and deliver medically necessary treatment thus ensuring continued support for their vital work with families while maintaining the trust and partnership with funding organizations.