Assessments, Frequency

When will the client turn to “active” versus “referral” in the chart? 

This will happen in the backend of the system after you complete your eval.  

Clinicians no longer need to send an email when an evaluation is completed!

It is an important requirement to enter communication notes with regards to initial evaluations (assessments), please review. 

Evaluating Clinicians: 

Please remember to add communication notes to the client chart (client profile > notes section) & tag your "intake coordinator" who is listed as a Care Team Member (client profile > Care Team). 

Initial Eval communication notes should include:

Can I start an assessment prior to the visit, like the day before, in order to start entering information? 

Yes!  You can pre-document for an upcoming assessment. 

In the client chart assessment tab, click the scheduled assessment, when prompted in the pop-up, “are you clocking in?”, answer “NO” and the client verification questions to open the visit to pre-load information for your assessment.  Click SAVE as you are working, green button, bottom right.  

You can go back to the assessment & clock-in when time to do so.  

How do I clock into an assessment? 

There are several ways to clock-in to an assessment.  The note itself can only be completed on the browser, but the clock-in/out, and signatures are available via the browser or app.  

The preferred way to clock in is using the app.

You can clock in via the calendar, tap the visit, then in the left pop-up, tap the purple button “…”, to see the clock-in option

Or, click client chart > assessment > tap the scheduled assessment to see the clock-in pop-up.

How do I enter frequency, duration, a total visits in my assessment?