November 2014
Post date: Nov 4, 2014 4:08:22 AM
This month's newsletter, written by Patti Nicholson:
November snuck up on me. And the weatherman said the word 'snow' for later this week! Snowfall can elicit many different emotions in me. I can be frustrated because I have to shovel or I can choose to be in awe of each of the snowflakes as they sparkle in the sunlight.
Writing Prompt: Does the weather affect how or what you write? Is it easier for you to write when it is gorgeous weather or stormy weather? Or doesn't it matter? Write about it.
COMING UP: November 11, 2014 - Critiquing and Editing Workshop. Sheila Wilkinson will give us information on critiquing and editing. Once we have that information, we will get into our breakout groups and put it into practice.
We'll also do some brainstorming about what Members can work on for the May showcase.
If you want to receive feedback on your work, come early (5:30 p.m.) to meet with others. Bring 6-8 copies of your short piece (300 words or so) for the group to read along as you share. You could bring what you have written in response to the prompt above, or something else you’re working on. It can be a portion of a book chapter, or a short article too.
See you at the November meeting!