April 2014

Post date: Apr 3, 2014 1:19:15 AM

This month's newsleter, written by Patti Nicholson:

In addition to writing, I enjoy many other forms of creative expression - crocheting, cross stitch, sewing, and scrapbooking. Some are portable and some are not. At times I have projects going in all of the different areas and it can be difficult to focus on just one at a time! They can also work to my advantage when I have hit a roadblock in whatever writing piece I am working on. They can create enough of a diversion that, when I return to my piece, ideas once again begin to flow.

Writing Prompt: How about you? Do you have other creative outlets that you enjoy besides writing? What are they and do they enhance or hinder your writing? Write about it.

COMING UP: April 8, 2014 "Column Writing: Is It For You?" presented by guest speaker, Karen Olson. Karen will share information on the mechanics of column writing, as well as editor/columnist relationships, and marketing tips. See the schedule page for more details.

FEEDBACK (CRITIQUE) OPPORTUNITY: If you want to receive feedback on your work, come early (5:30 p.m.) to meet with others. Bring 6-8 copies of your short piece (300 words or so) for the group to read along as you share. You could bring what you’ve written in response to the prompt above, or something else you’re working on. It can be a portion of a book chapter, or a short article too.

FUN STUFF: Did you find the error in this month's newsletter? If so, click on the 'Contact Us' link and send us an email. One name will be drawn from all correct responses, and he/she will receive a prize.

See you at the April meeting!


Patti Nicholson

Vice President for Reflection