December 2012

Post date: Dec 5, 2012 7:22:27 PM

Merry Christmas from the WWCWG Leadership Team!

This month, our member inspiration comes from LouAnn Binsfeld:

T’was the night before Christmas

and all through the bus

by LouAnn Binsfeld

T’was the night before Christmas

and all through the bus Not a passenger was stirring Not even a mouseEach had turned off their devices and covered with fleeceAnd I, as their driver, sighed with reliefWith visions of family and worshipping the KingI settled in for a long, quiet nightWhen out on the road, To my wondering eyes, what should appear?But a miniature van, an 8 passengerChildren spilling out Of each and every door

I checked my mirrors

Blinker and hazards on

Pulling behind

To protect and lend a hand

Ushering the wife and children aboard

Then shutting the door

Passengers awake

Some for a smoke

and others willing to share a coke

Soon the dad calls out

“We’re ready to go”

Calling his family each by name

The folks on the bus give a shout and a wave

And I, while pulling back onto the road

Can hear from the van

“Merry Christmas to all

And to all a good night!”

Writing Prompt:

(Where faith, family, occupations and passions collide). Have fun this Christmas as you write Christmas cards, notes of encouragement or a part of your manuscript. Let your heart be revealed, but more importantly let God’s heart shine through.

Be very blessed!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


THIS MONTH: Our Christmas meeting will be a guild talent show. See the e-mail Michelle sent last week for ideas: writing, music, drama, a reading, and more. Also, paid guild members will be allowed to sell books they have written on the resource table--a great opportunity for all of us to do some Christmas shopping!

Bring a treat to share if you wish.

FEEDBACK (CRITIQUE) OPPORTUNITY: If you want to receive feedback on your work, come early (5:30 p.m.) to meet with others. Bring 6-8 copies of your short piece (300 words or so) for the group to read along as you share. You could bring what you’ve written in response to the prompt above, or something else you’re working on. It can be a portion of a book chapter, or a short article too.

REMINDER: We have a WWCWG Facebook page. We'll be including links to our meeting info so you can easily share it with friends to invite them. However, if you don't have facebook, don't worry. We won't share anything there that you can't get from the website or an e-mail message.

Merry Christmas Blessings to You!

Michelle Rayburn

Guild President