December 2016
Post date: Dec 5, 2016 7:38:35 PM
This month's newsletter, written by Patti Nicholson:
"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call
him Immanuel" - which means God with us." Matthew 1:23
As we look forward to the celebration of Christ's birth, we cherish time spent
with family. Gifts will most likely be exchanged. But, the best gift of all is
not one that can be unwrapped. It is the baby who was born to be the
sacrifice for all. We only have to believe and accept this precious gift.
Writing Prompt: What are your Christmas traditions? Attending a church
service, decorating a tree, setting up a manger scene, giving and receiving
gifts, or something else? Write about it.
COMING UP: Christmas is our time to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Join us
December 13, 2016, for fun in sharing our writing and exchanging our wrapped,
gently used books with a fellow writer. Door prizes, yummy food (provided by
all), and fellowship for all.
We will be taking a break from critique time until January 2017. Keep writing
and we'll start up again soon!
See you at the December meeting!