2011-2012 Newsletters

MAY 2012

Summer Traditions

by Patti Nicholson

This summer I will organize a 24th annual family reunion. It is a tradition that has come to mean the world to me. As the years have passed, we said goodbye to many who have passed and welcomed newborns. No two years were the same.

After the 25th annual reunion, I plan to step down. I would love for it to continue, but it’s time to have some ‘new blood’ do the planning!

Writer’s Challenge: What traditions do you have that mean a lot to you? How have those traditions changed over the years? Good changes? Bad changes? Write about it.

Thanks Patti!

Monthly Announcements

FEEDBACK GROUP: If you aren't sure what you could bring to our feedback group, why not take Patti's writer's challenge? Write a one-page piece about the questions posed above, and come read it aloud for some helpful feedback. The group meets for critique at 5:30 and the regular meeting begins at 7:00. We'll also have a special critique group for any guests from the daytime workshop.

COMING UP: Our featured speaker for the May Guild meeting is Michelle Rayburn on "HAVING YOUR BEST YEAR YET: 10 CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE WRITERS." We'll wrap up the season with inspiration to get you motivated for summer. See the schedule for details.

CONTEST: This month, we will announced the winners of our annual writing contest.

Happy Spring!

APRIL 2012

Our April inspiration and writers challenge is from Sandra:

Wake Up Your Writing!


Sandra Sunquist Stanton NCC, LPC

With Easter comes new life, a fresh start, a clean slate. It awakens our spirits, our bodies and our brains. Could that mean revitalized writing? Dr. Amit Sood in Train Your Brain, Engage Your Heart, Transform Your Life encourages us to focus our senses on details of something with which we are already familiar to notice elements we hadn’t noticed before. He calls this process FOND or focus on new details.

For the moment, shelve everything you already know about--say the flower or the painting. Approach it with “beginners’ eyes”, as if you are now seeing it for the first time. Deeply experience it with each of your senses. Make that flower or painting your whole world. Then capture it in words. Preserve the complete package to enable your readers to fully encounter it as you have. Novelty wakes up our brains, giving them new energy and vitality—pass it on!

Writers’ Challenge:

Choose an object that has significance for you. Give it your full attention for a minute or so. View its light, shadow, structure, texture, how it moves, what it feels like, any aroma and all other sensory details. Then recall its history and its significance. Turn that into a story or article that brings your readers along with you.

Thank you Sandi!

Monthly Announcements

FEEDBACK GROUP: If you aren't sure what you could bring to our feedback group, why not take Sandi's writer's challenge? Write a one-page piece about the question Sandi posed above, and come read it aloud for some helpful feedback. The group meets for critique at 5:30 and the regular meeting begins at 7:00. We'll also have a special critique group for any guests from the daytime workshop.

COMING UP: Our featured speaker for the April Guild meeting is Joyce K. Ellis who will share about ENHANCING THE RHYTHM AND FLOW OF YOUR WRITING. She will also be doing the spring writing workshop in the afternoon, so be sure to plan to attend all of t he sessons. See the schedule for details.

SPRING WRITING Workshop: This month, we're hosting a Spring Writing Workshop with Joyce Ellis on April 10. "Take Your Writing to the Next Level" is an afternoon seminar with two sessions and our regular evening session. Attendees will receive a special gift ($14.95 value) for attending. Members receive special pricing on registration. See the flyer for more info. Space is limited so register as soon as possible. Non-member guests are invited to attend the evening meeting and critique group at no additional charge when they attend the afternoon workshop.

Blessings to you,


MARCH 2012

Perhaps you've noticed something different about the WWCWG website. We've moved to a new server and made a few changes, but all of the old content has been moved over, so you'll still find all of the resources and newsletters here.

Our March inspiration and writer's challenge comes from guild board member and newsletter editor Patti Nicholson:

March – every year we ask the question, will the month come in like a lion or a lamb? This brought to mind the question of how we live our faith.

One of the definitions of the word lion is: “a person of great courage or strength.” And, one of the definitions of the word lamb is: “a gentle or innocent person, particularly a child.”

Jesus is a perfect combination of both definitions. He is a gentle and innocent person who shows great courage and strength.

Writer’s Challenge: How do you live your faith? Like a lion? A lamb? A little bit of both? Write about how you personify either or both.

Thanks for the great visual image, Patti!

FEEDBACK GROUP: If you aren't sure what you could bring to our feedback group, why not take Patti's writer's challenge? Write a one-page piece about the question Patti posed above, and come read it aloud for some helpful feedback. The group meets for critique at 5:30 and the regular meeting begins at 7:00.

COMING UP: Our featured speaker for the February Guild meeting is Monica Holtz who will share about SELF-PUBLISHING 101. See the schedule for details.

REMINDER: Contest entries are due at the March meeting. See the guidelines for how many copies to bring and how to format your entries. You may enter two pieces.

SPRING WRITING Workshop: Next month, we're hosting a Spring Writing Workshop with Joyce Ellis on April 11. "Take Your Writing to the Next Level" is an afternoon seminar with two sessions and our regular evening session. Attendees will receive a special gift ($14.95 value) for attending. Members receive special pricing on registration. See the flyer for more info. Space is limited so register as soon as possible. Non-member guests are invited to attend the evening meeting and critique group at no additional charge when they attend the afternoon workshop.

Blessings to you,



Our February guild inspiration is from Alaine Sonnenberg:


Short Story-Devotional-Poems

I attended the American Christian Writers Conference in 2011 and learned a few key points from different speakers at the conference. I learned if I want my writing published, I need to give the editors what they want.

  • Follow these simple steps to getting your work published:
  • Make your work reach many people.
  • Have your work show growth or have growth in the story.
  • Know your audience.
  • Make sure to follow the rules for entry.
  • Always have your work polished and it’s very best.
  • Send your work in! Don’t be afraid.


Write a devotional, short story or poem about light that is original and spiritually insightful. You may want to use the verse below for inspiration or others.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Thanks Alaine! Those are great reminders.

COMING UP: Our featured speaker for the February Guild meeting is our own Sandra Stanton, the brain expert who always has something great to share with us. Join us on February 14 for "TUNE IN AND TUNE UP YOUR BRAIN TO TURN ON YOUR WRITING." See the schedule for details.'

FEEDBACK GROUP: Meets for critique at 5:30 and the regular meeting begins at 7:00. Guests are always welcome and the first visit is free.

SPRING WRITING SEMINAR: Watch for details coming soon about our Spring Writing Seminar on April 11. Members will receive special pricing on registration.

Lord willing, we'll see you on Valentine's Day!

Blessings to you,



Our January inspiration comes from Melissa Wiltrout:

It’s a new year! Many people celebrate the New Year by promising to change their lives in some way (usually for the better). I am not one of these people. Why bother, when I know I will never keep those promises anyway? But I do enjoy looking back and noting the positive changes that have come into my life. Unlike a resolution which I will soon break, I’ve found this practice brings me joy and fills me with thankfulness to God. For is it not He who brings about all the good changes in our lives? Psalms 40:5 says God has done so many wonderful things for us that if we would speak of them, they would be too numerous to count.

Writing Prompt: As you start off this new year, why not recall and write about some of the good things God has done in your life during the past year?

Thanks Melissa! That's a great perspective for starting the new year.

COMING UP: On January 10 well have Jane Jeffries speaking on writing short dramas. Many of the principles apply to writing short fiction as well, and all writers will find something to improve their craft when Jane shares her expertise. See the schedule for details.Feedback group will meet for critique at 5:30 and the regular meeting begins at 7:00. Guests are always welcome and the first visit is free.

The meeting will also include a devotional to start us off, a practical 10-minute writing boot camp, inspiration from one of our guild members in the "Your Turn" segment, and plenty of time for networking with other writers.

REJOICING: Remember, every month you have the opportunity to have us celebrate your writing with you. Bring your published pieces to share on the rejoicing table.

We're looking forward to kicking off the New Year inspired to write!

Michelle Rayburn