May 2013

Post date: May 2, 2013 8:01:00 PM

Thoughts from Michelle:

Today, I'm thinking of seasons. I'm eagerly awaiting the fourth season of Downton Abbey and a few other favorite shows. Do you have a favorite television series? How many seasons have you watched? When we anticipate something great to come, we look forward to a new season.

Time moves on. Old things are traded for new. Bigger, better opportunities come along. Seasons change. Seasons in life, and seasons in nature. Well, at least they do in areas outside of Western Wisconsin. (As I write this on the second of May, nearly a foot of fresh snow blankets my front yard.)

We're about to wrap up Season Twelve of WWCWG and move into Season Thirteen in the fall. A dozen is a big number in seasonal terms. For more than twelve years, the guild has been inspiring and encouraging writers. The friendships, connections, and instruction are priceless, aren't they?

Perhaps you are in your own kind of season as a writer. Maybe it's a productive season, or possibly it's a difficult time for you. If you have an abundance of time to write, you're probably enjoying this season. If life has intervened and circumstances make it difficult to find time to pursue your passion right now, you're probably looking forward to a new season.

If there is one thing I have learned in this long changing of the seasons from winter to spring, it's that it all happens in God's time. I'm learning to be patient. As much as I eagerly await a new season, I have also learned to look for the blessings in the one I'm in right now. Whether it's a season of nature, a season of circumstance, or a season of emotional change, I ask God to reveal the gems in the here and now.

Writing Prompt: Write something about seasons and how they affect you right now. What season are you in as a writer? How do you feel about the seasonal changes in the weather? Your season in life? What gems have you missed because you were thinking about the future more than the here and now?

Write a poem, an essay, a devotional, or a fictional story about your thoughts on seasons.

THIS MONTH: We welcome Cynthia Ruchti back to WWCWG this month with her presentation on using our circumstances as writing material and making the most of life. Cynthia has a brand new book out, so be sure to come prepared to shop if you'd like one of her books. See the Schedule for more details.

CONTEST: Contest winners will be announced in this month.

SEASON WRAP-UP: This is our last meeting for this guild season. We will be having a discussion about the "State of the Guild" at our meeting, including a financial report and some group feedback and brainstorming for the future. Paid guild members will receive a link to a survey to give feedback ahead of time.

WRITING OPPORTUNITIES AND CONFERENCES: Know of a great opportunity for submitting stories? Or know about a conference our members would appreciate? Over the summer, be sure to Send Michelle an e-mail when you hear of an opportunity and she will pass the info along to the paid members of the guild.

Michelle Rayburn

Guild President