March 2014

Post date: Mar 3, 2014 3:51:09 AM

This month's newsletter, written by Melissa Wiltrout:

Recently I decided it was time to update my blog, and that included writing a new biography. The old one was too long to be featured on my front page. Yup, I confess, I too suffer from long-windedness. I hate leaving out all that great information. But forcing myself to be concise makes me concentrate on each word, and this pays off in greater impact. It also sparks my creativity. I love my new bio; it's just the right blend of crazy and credible, and it even fits in the sidebar! The only downside: Readers will have to meet me in person to find out how tall I am or what brand of jeans I prefer. I think I can live with that.

Writing Prompt: Write an "all about me" bio in 50 words or less. Make it funny, eclectic, terse - whatever reflects your personality. If you're too modest to write about yourself, then write it about someone you know well.

COMING UP: March 11, 2014 "Writing Great Stories" presented by guest speaker, Nathan Anderson. Nathan will motivate and inspire us to improve our writing. There is art to writing a story that captivates your audience. See the schedule page for more details.

FEEDBACK (CRITIQUE) OPPORTUNITY: If you want to receive feedback on your wrok, come early (5:30 p.m.) to meet with others. Bring 6-8 copies of your short piece (300 words or so) for the group to read along as you share. You could bring what you’ve written in response to the prompt above, or something else you’re working on. It can be a portion of a book chapter, or a short article too.

FUN STUFF: Did you find the error in this month's newsletter? If so, click on the 'Contact Us' link and send us an email. One name will be drawn from all correct responses, and he/she will receive a prize.

See you at the March meeting!


Patti Nicholson

Vice President for Reflection