
|| Shri Ganeshaya Namah ||

|| Shri Sharada Namah ||

|| Shri Sadguru Namah ||

(For more extensive list of miracles please visit,

Baba cancels heart operation

An elderly lady from Madras once experienced a shooting pain in the chest. She along with her husband immediately went to their family doctor who referred them to a heart surgeon. After thorough checkup, it was found that she had three blockages in the heart. The doctor pressed them for an immediate operation, which the lady refused to do so without consulting Baba. She even refused to take the medicines, which were prescribed by the doctor (on a slip of paper), without consulting Baba.

Baba that very night appeared in her dream, took a piece of paper, drew a heart and crossed it. The lady got up crying "Baba, Baba, Baba", she looked at His photograph and said - "I do not know Baba what this dream means but I know you have taken care of my heart problem."

She called on the heart surgeon again the next day and carried out the same tests again as before. To their utter dismay they found none of the symptoms of the heart problem existed. The husband related to the doctor the dream his wife had and asked the doctor what medicines she should take to be stable. His wife gave the doctor the slip on which on which he had written down the medicines she needed to take. The doctor said "Now there is no need of all this and took his pen crossed the slip and gave it back to the lady".

As soon as she took the slip on hand, she started crying. The doctor had crossed the slip in exactly the same manner as Baba had crossed out the heart he drew in the dream.


Sai Baba healed a crippled boy

Let me narrate my own experiance about Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I am a retired Railway Officer from Indian Railways, now residing with my son in USA. Aged 76 plus. I am ofcourse a native of Hyderabad & am a devotee of Baba since 1965.

In july 1974 I happened to visit Puttaparthy along with my wife for Gurupornima celebrations. On the following day of Gurupornima (sorry, I do not remember the exact date), we all sat in the open on the sands just in front of Prasanthi Nilayam in the morning hours for Darshan. As usual Baba came from his room on the top floor of Prasanthi Nilayam and started walking towards ladies side first. In the front row was an Assamese lady sitting with her crippled son aged abt 9 to 10 yrs. It appears voulanteers used to carry this boy every time to assit the mother as the boy was crippled & just canot walk. Baba went ahead, but suddenly made an U turn & came to this lady & enquired abt the boy. When she explained abt him Baba gently took hold of the boys arms, made him stand erect, patted him, applied vibhuthi on his fore head and asked him to walk. Immediately he started walking gently with a to & fro walk within that area much to the delight & surprise of those present. The mother was in tears unable to express her joy at this miracle. Later on the mother explained to the gathered few including me abt their efforts to get the boy cured at various Hospitals including Bombay but failed in their efforts. It's only after hearing abt Baba, as a last resort she undertook the journey all the way from Assam to Puttaparthy along with the boy. & here she got the cure, though she waited for abt 10 days. Till then, I only heard of Baba's miracles, but this was my first ecperiance of witnessing His miracle personally from whence I developed more faith in Baba's Godhood.

Abburi Balakrishna Rao---


Baba cures a student of asthma by transferring the disease to Himself

One of the students of Vrindavan was suffering from severe case of Asthma. He had on numerous occassions written to Baba to cure him of the ailment. When Baba did not seem to reply, he became increasingly frustrated.

He tried to ask Baba about his ailment in darshan lines but some way or the other he could not establish proper contact with Baba.

The following night he had a severe attack of asthma -- he couldn't sleep, he couldn't breathe due to severe choking.

He looked at Baba’s photograph (every room has such photograph) and asked him: --

“Do you see how I am suffering? Do you even know how I am feeling now? No, You don’t. Because if you would have, You wouldn’t remain a silent spectator to my suffering. I will show you how it feels.” .

So saying He, with great difficulty moved himself towards Baba’s photograph and closed Baba’s nose and mouth and said--

“Do you now understand how it feels; hu (with a sense of anger in him.)?”

A few moments later he felt a little dizzy and swooned (fell unconscious).

His roommates woke him up next morning asking ---

“Why did you leave your bed and sleep here near Baba’s photograph? ”

The boy got up looking at Baba’s photo but did not open his mouth expecting a thorough reprimand from his room mates in case he revealed what he had done during his asthma attack.

During evening darshan Baba, having gone through the seating of devotees, came towards students, went straight to the boy and held his hand. In a moment the students found Baba breathing hard.

Realising that Baba was taking his disease, the boy cried out --

“Baba, I wanted you to cure me, not take my disease on you? Please don’t suffer for my sake.”So saying, he tried to free himself off Baba’s grip.

BUT ONCE YOU ARE IN BABA’S HOLD, CAN ANY POWER IN THE WORLD FREE YOU FROM THAT GRIP? Baba held on for 2 minutes and then started breathing normally.

Baba looked at the boy deeply and said --

“Do you think I need your letters to know what’s happening with you? I knew about your asthma. Your karmic effect got transferred to me. 20 years of suffering for you is only 2 minutes of suffering for me.”

Then he turned to all the students and said--



Baba performs appendicitis operation

A pilgrim to Puttaparthi suddenly developed acute appendicitis. At the time, there was no hospital there nor was there a surgeon, so Sai Baba was asked to come to the room where the patient lay groaning. He waved his hand in the air and produced a surgical knife out of nowhere. A second wave materialized vibhuti which he used as an anaesthetic. With these aids he performed the operation to remove the inflamed appendix. Then the surgical knife vanished into thin air. He applied the vibhuti on the wound which healed immediately, leaving only a small scar.

V. Kanu, "Sai Baba, God Incarnate", p. 52


Lame hand cured by Baba's Charan Sparsh -

"Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi"

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

V.M.R. Sharma

Janapati Lakshmi, a resident of Piduguralla village of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh was married at an early age of 12, but due to some high fever, her left hand became paralyzed, weak and twisted. Due to this handicap, her husband did not take her at all. God, however, had bestowed her with a melodious voice and she used to sing Annamayya Kirtans and Bhajans to eke out her livelihood, supporting her mother as well. Even to tie her own sari was a difficult task for her. Because of this handicap she was nick named as "Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame Lakshmi" in the nearby villages.

As per some well-meaning people, they advised her to get the defect set right in Vellore and she set about collecting funds for her journey and surgery. When this was accomplished, she set about for the journey, escorted by her music teacher. When they reached Vijayawada, by bus, all of a sudden, after seeing the bus for Puttaparthi, she changed her plans and requested her guide and teacher to travel to Puttaparthi first and then proceed to Vellore after having Swami's Darshan. Accordingly when they reached Puttaparthi, at the bus stand it­self, they learnt that Swarni was at Brindavan. As per advice of some local residents, they went to Brindavan to have Swami's Darshan. By a stroke of luck (or is it Swami's Grace!) she was seated in the second row, behind a lady who was awaiting Swami's blessings on her birthday. When Swami came near the lady, Lakshmi touched the Lotus Feet with her right hand and then wanted her left hand also to touch the Lotus Feet. With great trepidation she extended her left hand and touched His Feet and lo and behold! Her left hand became perfectly all right and straight. Joyously she cried out in Telugu "Naa Cheyi Baaga ayyindi" meaning, my hand has become alright. Swami smiled and graciously went off but other ladies nearby asked her to keep quiet, as she was shedding tears of joy and repeating the sentence - my hand has become alright. This was on 12th April 1990- after paralysis of seventeen years.

Thereafter, abandoning her plan to visit Vellore, she returned to Puttaparthi. narrated her experience to a few here and returned to her village. All people of the Piduguralla village who came to know of the miracle were exhilarated and happy to note that "Kunti Lakshmi" or "Lame Lakshmi" had her hand perfectly restored. In one voice, they proclaimed that only God could do such miracles and Sai Baba was God. This episode is a thing of joy to theists and a puzzle to atheists and rationalists but to the people of that village Sai Baba is God.
