
Summary of the Tool

Include a brief description of the tool with links to the homesite or app page. If the tool or app requires subscription or is a paid app include this information here. Also include an image of the app icon.

Pedagogical Uses

Briefly summarize a few pedagogical uses for the tool. Then include an in-depth description of a specific pedagogical goal. This should include a screencast, possible exemplars, and step by step instructions of the learning activity.

How to do it

In this section you describe the nuts and bolts of using the tool. What steps would the teacher have to take to accomplish the pedagogical goal. This does not refer to the content but more on how to use the technology. This should include a screencast and/or series of annotated screenshots with a list of chronological steps.


In this section describe any drawbacks of the program. This could include cost, bandwidth, system requirements.


Make a final recommendation to teachers. Would you suggest they use the digital text and tool in their classroom. If you have a lesson plan to go with the tutorial upload it below.