
This page is a place to share websites that you regularly use in research, teaching, and practice. Please include a 1-3 sentence description of the site and how it is useful.

Boundless - Free digital textbooks. (@wiobyrne)

Connexions - Open-Ed content, and content management system. (@wiobyrne)

Curriki - Free, open-educational learning resources available for use. (@wiobyrne)

OER Commons - A repository of open education content available globally for educators. (@wiobyrne)

Open Courseware Consortium - Use this page to search for and share course planning materials and evaluation tools. (@wiobyrne)

P2PU - Peer 2 Peer University (we mostly just say P2PU) is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. (@wiobyrne)

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness (from Reading Rockets) - Practice-based and teacher friendly article

Spigot - A news aggregator put out by the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub. Perfect for keeping up to date on teaching, research, and innovations in instructional technologies and digital media learning. (@wiobyrne)

Techmeme - An awesome technology, media, and news aggregator. Stay on top of what is happening in the world of tech, digital media, mobile tech, gaming, social media, etc. (@wiobyrne)